NB Green leader's statement on Jenica Atwin crossing the floor to join Liberals | Unpublished
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NB Green leader's statement on Jenica Atwin crossing the floor to join Liberals

June 10, 2021


FREDRICTON—David Coon, Leader of the New Brunswick Green Party, issued the following statement this afternoon in reaction to the news that Fredericton MP Jenica Atwin has crossed the floor to join the Liberal Party.

“Politics can get very rough, and today we saw the result. I know Jenica felt abandoned by her leader in Ottawa, and this was a source of unbearable stress for her. I am profoundly disappointed that she decided her only option was to cross the floor, after the voters of Fredericton and Oromocto had elected her as a Green, to be the kind of strong and independent voice in Ottawa that the Green Party encourages. She will discover her principles will not find a home with the Liberals. MPs Jody Wilson-Raybould and Celina Caesar-Chavannes found this out the hard way.”
