Morning Update: Some parliamentarians collaborated with foreign governments to further their own interests, report says | Unpublished
Source Feed: The Globe and Mail
Author: Omair Quadri
Publication Date: June 4, 2024 - 06:55

Morning Update: Some parliamentarians collaborated with foreign governments to further their own interests, report says

June 4, 2024
Good morning,Canadian intelligence services have gathered information indicating some federal politicians are collaborating with foreign governments to advance their own interests, a new report says.The security and intelligence committee of parliamentarians tabled a report yesterday saying that it has been told some Canadian politicians are working with India and China in what may be illegal behaviour.


June 4, 2024

They should be expelled immediately from parliament and a criminal investigation should be started  into their actions to see if they compromised Canadian security. 

Unpublished Newswire

Alberta’s conservative government spent more than planned in the past fiscal year as natural disasters, including record-setting wildfires, cost the province billions of dollars – expenses the Finance Minister considers irregular.Nate Horner, in the government’s fiscal update Thursday, said Alberta posted a surplus of $4.28-billion for 2023-2024, up 5.7 per cent compared to its original forecast of $2.35-billion. But while revenue hit $74.73-billion, spending jumped to $70.44-billion, up 3 per cent compared to the budget and 9 per cent over the year prior.
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