BOOK EXCERPT: To succeed, the public service must win Canadians' trust, says Donald J. Savoie | Unpublished
Source Feed: Ottawa Citizen
Author: Christina Spencer, Ottawa Citizen
Publication Date: September 23, 2024 - 06:30

BOOK EXCERPT: To succeed, the public service must win Canadians' trust, says Donald J. Savoie

September 23, 2024
Donald J. Savoie holds the Canada Research Chair in Public Administration and Governance at the Université de Moncton. An award-winning author, he has published numerous books on public policy, public administration and federalism. Savoie has served as an adviser to several federal, provincial and territorial government departments and agencies, the private sector, independent associations, OECD, the World Bank, and the United Nations. His influence on Canadian public policy, Canadian public administration and Canadian society has been evident for years. The following is adapted from the introduction to his new book, SPEAKING TRUTH TO CANADIANS ABOUT THEIR PUBLIC SERVICE. Read More


September 23, 2024

The public service needs to better represent the country. It doesn’t right now since most people are either from Eastern Ontario or Western Quebec since these are the most bilingual people in the country. Sadly, the gov’ts officially bilingualism policy discriminates against everyone else. Which is why, I believe, the public service is not respected. 

Unpublished Newswire

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September 23, 2024 - 10:58 | City of Ottawa - Media Relations / Ville d'Ottawa - Relations avec les médias | City of Ottawa News Releases
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September 23, 2024 - 10:22 | Christina Spencer, Ottawa Citizen | Ottawa Citizen
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