Celebrating Our Flag | Unpublished
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Unpublished Opinions

EdwardFarnworth's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Edward (Ted) Farnworth is a retired scientist who worked for the federal department of Agriculture. He enjoys writing, has a website Medicinal Food News that helps consumers understand the ever changing field of food, nutrition and health. He has published his first e-book "Peers and Tears," is enjoying travelling since retiring and keeps busy sailing, cross country skiing and gardening. Too often he finds himself yelling at things he hears on the radio about the state of our country.

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Celebrating Our Flag

February 14, 2015

I can’t believe that we are not celebrating the anniversary of the official unveiling of our flag.

It is my flag. It is your flag. It is our flag. It is recognized around the world, and all Canadians stand a little bit straighter when we see it raised to celebrate the achievements – sport and other – of our fellow Canadians. It is raised proudly in many foreign lands each morning to start the day off for our brave men and women in uniform who are fighting to protect the values and rights we enjoy in this great country. So why is the anniversary of our flags creation being ignored by the current government? Maybe it is a way to save money. Or perhaps, it is because there is no blue in the flag; red is the colour of, you know, the other guys. Could the government actually think that it is not worth celebrating the flag because it was created when Lester Pearson was the Prime Minister. No. Couldn’t be. Or could it? Oh Canada!