City of Ottawa 2013 Greenhouse Gas Roundtable: Next Steps | Unpublished

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Toronto, Ontario
About the author

Martin is currently a Senior Advisor in the Office of the Hon. Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy. Martin’s career has spanned public and non-profit sectors at national and international levels. His professional experiences are marked by a commitment to sustainability and performance- and strategy-based administration. He considers Ottawa home but currently lives in Toronto.

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City of Ottawa 2013 Greenhouse Gas Roundtable: Next Steps

November 18, 2013

Councillor McRae:

Thank you kindly for your response and the details that you provided below.

With respect, I must say, however, that you have given very little information in the context of the questions originally submitted.

Can you please provide some level of specific feedback that addresses the topics of process/milestones and stakeholder engagement?

Can you also please confirm if:

1) The report delivered to Council in the second quarter of 2014 will include a comprehensive Air Quality & Climate Change Management Plan (AQCCMP); and

2) If it will indeed include a AQCCMP, will it be a finalized plan or a draft?

And finally, can you also please confirm that you and/or members of the Environment Committee have not conducted closed-door meetings and/or have not been lobbied regarding any aspect of the AQCCMP since the March 27, 2013, GHG Roundtable.

Thank you again Councillor McRae for your time on this matter.

Best Regards,

Martin Canning