How The East Was Stolen: Research on Mohawk Indigenous History in Canada's Capital | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Tsit-Kanaja Kaniengehaga's picture
Renfrew, Ontario
About the author

My name is Jason (Rotisken'rakehte) Arbour, Appointed Chief and Legal Representative of Kana:tso Kaniengehaga First Nation. In 1903 my family/band was disbanded from our Indian resserve and place of origin at Gatineau, Quebec. To date, I have been chosen to raise awareness and respectfully represent our community's legal interest of re-establish our historical rights to our traditional territory at the Chaudiere Falls. 

I am indigenous to the Ottawa-Hull region of Canada. I was born and raised in Ottawa and I am happily maried with five boys and one grandaughter.

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How The East Was Stolen: Research on Mohawk Indigenous History in Canada's Capital

March 25, 2021

Our research document is 287 pages. Please download it before viewing. Also, please don't miss the attached pdf of a rare map of Eastern North America from 1719. This map clearly shows that what is now Parliament Hill and the surrounding area was under Iroquois control at this time. 

My name is Jason (Rotisken:rakehte) Arbour, I am Indigenous to the Ottawa-Gatineau region of Canada. I have been appointed Rotisken:rakehte by my immediate and extended family members who have been dispossessed of our Indigenous rights as well as our Indian Village that was in Gatineau, Quebec adjacent the Chaudière falls.
Acknowledging title of Rotisken:rakehte means you have accepted and are committed to fulfill certain obligations and responsibilities. The fundamental obligation of Rotisken:rakehte is to uphold Kaianere'kó:wa "The Great Law of Peace". The responsibilities of Rotisken:rakehte is to defend the wellbeing of the community, to speak publicly, to teach the youth about their ancestry and to recover the loss of lands and human rights.
 When translating Rotisken:rakehte into English, it should be described as (One Who Carries the Earth, Ancestors and Peace). To fulfill my obligations and responsibilities, I have collected and compiled an abundance of historical documentation. I have also spoken publicly, sharing our information in a peaceful manner, all while attempting to recover the loss of our lands and human rights. I have prepared and documented an abbreviated research report to educate Indigenous nations as well as the Canadian public about our legacy.
 To date there has been a lack of interest in sharing this import Indigenous history from the mainstream media. So, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly share our gratitude to James O'Grady and the team at Unpublished Ottawa for allowing our community a plat form to share our research report with you the reader. Attached is a PDF that will help the public better comprehend what has happened to our community in Gatineau and the efforts one must go through to raise awareness as Rotisken:rakehte.
In Peace and Solidarity, Jason (Rotisken'rakehte) Arbour.
