Tsit-Kanaja Kaniengehaga | Unpublished


Unpublished Opinions

Since my youth, I have been told stories about my Indigenous heritage and origins from Kana:tso,...

March 20, 2018
Jason Arbour: A First Second Opinion for Ian Badgley and the NCC

August is said to be archaeology month in Ottawa-Gatineau. The National Capital Commission is...

August 30, 2022
This image represents Kanatso:rono ancestors. In 1843, the settler state unearthed Mohawk burial grounds in Hull, now Gatineau. The sand from the location was used as mortar to build the Parliament Buildings.

What should one do when they are cheated on in a relationship? Some may stay in the relationship...

July 12, 2022

This map from 1719 clearly shows that the area we now know to be the City of Ottawa and its...

July 6, 2022

  On July 5, 2018, I Chief Jason (Rotisken:rakehte) Arbour requested ground...

July 7, 2021

My name is Jason (Rotisken:rakehte) Arbour, I descend from an Indian Village that was situated in...

June 3, 2021