A First Second Opinion for Ian Badgley and the NCC | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Tsit-Kanaja Kaniengehaga's picture
Renfrew, Ontario
About the author

My name is Jason (Rotisken'rakehte) Arbour, Appointed Chief and Legal Representative of Kana:tso Kaniengehaga First Nation. In 1903 my family/band was disbanded from our Indian resserve and place of origin at Gatineau, Quebec. To date, I have been chosen to raise awareness and respectfully represent our community's legal interest of re-establish our historical rights to our traditional territory at the Chaudiere Falls. 

I am indigenous to the Ottawa-Hull region of Canada. I was born and raised in Ottawa and I am happily maried with five boys and one grandaughter.

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A First Second Opinion for Ian Badgley and the NCC

August 30, 2022
Jason Arbour: A First Second Opinion for Ian Badgley and the NCC

Archaeologist are digging in the sand adjacent our historical rights bearing community of Iroquois and saying we abandoned our land. This is a lie and the public should be aware.

August is said to be archaeology month in Ottawa-Gatineau. The National Capital Commission is holding a public archaeological dig at lake Lemay. The NCC has hired Ian Badgley to lead the exploration. This opinion piece may be the first, second opinion that the NCC and the public ever receives regarding Mr. Ian Badgley's perceived interpretation on certain archaeological evidence collected at Kana:tso. See, Ian Badgely’s interpretation and CTV News presentation regarding Iroquoian artifacts, at link below:  

 This is not the first time the Ottawa-Gatineau region has been considered an exploration. In 1843, the settler state allowed the desecration of our Indigenous burial ground. Our sacred burial ground was situated just a short walk below our Indigenous Village adjacent the Chaudière falls. In those days, public opinion was considered more significant than that of the Indigenous people, due to eurocentrism. 

 I would like to respectfully share an Indigenous interpretation regarding a misconception put forward in your opinion regarding artifacts collected at Kana:tso.   In your presentation to CTV News, you said the Ottawa-Gatineau region was extremely rich in archaeology, but you cannot figure out “why” because there has been so much development. Then you go on to say that the "St. Lawrence Iroquois" abandoned Kana:tso around 1550.

How can you say that the place was abandoned when there has been so much development that obscures your research? When there is archaeological evidence to the contrary? Your "opinion" regarding the "St. Lawrence Iroquois" is objectionable and appears biased.  
First, there is no such thing or nation as the "St. Lawrence Iroquois". We Indigenous Iroquois call ourselves Onkwe:honwe (Original People), it was Shonkwhia'tison (Our Creator), who placed us Onkwe:honwe on Onoware:keh (Turtle Island). 

Laurence was born on December 31, 225 AD, he was one of the seven deacons from the city of Rome under Pope Sixtus II. This eurocentric view has changed the perception of many Canadians and helps take traditional lands away from our Original People. You said the "St. Lawrence Iroquois" abandoned Kana:tso, circa 1550. We Kanatso:ronon respectfully disagree, our Onkwe:honwe trapped, harvested, fished, and cultivated the soil in the Ottawa-Gatineau region since time immemorial.  We were recorded living there in 1871 in the first Canadian national census. 

The pottery collected from our soil was created on site with clay, ocher and other minerals by Kanatso:ronon (People of Kana:tso); However, your archaeological collection has verified our Iroquoian occupation at Kana:tso since time immemorial. The pottery and stone tools used for digging out our canoes can be cross referenced to other Iroquoian pottery and stone tools used by our relatives, who trapped, harvested, fished, and cultivated the lands around Kana:tso. Mr. Ian Badgley, and N.C.C. officials, we Onkwe:honwe never "abandoned" our place at Kana:tso around 1550, we Onkwe:honwe were "disbanded" under duress by the settler state of Canada circa 1900.

I ask that the next time you and the N.C.C. dig through our sand at Kana:tso, you also pull your head out of the sand. “Take Notice” that you are exploring the shared traditional territory of the Kanienkehaka (People of the Flint). 

My assertion and historical facts can be confirmed by downloading my abbreviated research report on PDF at https://unpublishedottawa.com/letter/330320/how-east-was-stolen-research...

Advancing the Kanienkehaka of Kana:tso

Anyone who would like to contribute to our ongoing challenges can donate by e-transfer to (tsit-kanaja@hotmail.com). 100% of donations will be used to aid with the financial challenges we face in advancing our basic human rights. Your appreciated gift will aid with research, obligations imposed by law, cultural practices, help provide education about our Indigenous heritage at Kana:tso and establish a memorial for our unmarked Indigenous graves hidden in the St. James Cemetery in Hull, Quebec.  

