Is Ottawa ready and in need of Light Rail Transit? Where should it be located? | Unpublished
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Is Ottawa ready and in need of Light Rail Transit? Where should it be located?

May 9, 2013

I have had three lengthy meetings with Andy Haydon over the last 4 years and I am still unconvinced that LRT is the way to serve Ottawa best.

I hope that the citizens of Ottawa will never hear this author say "told you so" but over the years of convoluted and at times secretive discussions we have had many unanswered questions put to the mighty leaders of Ottawa. Quite a few of these questions have not been adequately answered such as why not bus and tunnel? at least to start?

In serious discussions with ex Regional Chair, Andy Haydon, I was shown and given many documents which were not developed by Andy but by authors of repute who demonstrated the viability of Buss over train and in the last months Ottawa has experienced what could happen to the trains if a suspicious package was left in a station, except with a train YOU CAN NOT REROUTE so the 45 minute delay of last week would be??

We have a BRT system which just needs to get off the core streets and be expanded with more dedicated outer urban roads, as in Wodroffe and Innes, and better management of resources.Adding another lane to the 174 is being done to alleviate traffic for construction of the LRT yet this was never considered an option for improved BRT Why?

Is the city ready and in need Ready for improved transit..certainly but now we are hearing the route selection is at variance with the residents!! for the western extension which the city is contemplating all the while we have yet to start phase one!!

Define the ridership to be served and the economic reality of location then plan the route. The M-C parkway meets none of these criteria nor does the amended route of Richmond tunnel although it is better than M-C.

A straight line system down Hunt Club, connecting with the "O" train route and thence downtown with concentric bus feeder might be even better and not as upsetting to owners along the route This could easily be extended into Kanata and east to Orleans using the present corridors IF YOU MUST have a choo choo!