Kana:tso First Nation Recognition Requisition (Gatineau) | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Tsit-Kanaja Kaniengehaga's picture
Renfrew, Ontario
About the author

My name is Jason (Rotisken'rakehte) Arbour, Appointed Chief and Legal Representative of Kana:tso Kaniengehaga First Nation. In 1903 my family/band was disbanded from our Indian resserve and place of origin at Gatineau, Quebec. To date, I have been chosen to raise awareness and respectfully represent our community's legal interest of re-establish our historical rights to our traditional territory at the Chaudiere Falls. 

I am indigenous to the Ottawa-Hull region of Canada. I was born and raised in Ottawa and I am happily maried with five boys and one grandaughter.

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Kana:tso First Nation Recognition Requisition (Gatineau)

November 10, 2017

Below is the letter I sent to the Canadian Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs and Ministry staff regarding the Recoginition Requisition we served and presented to them on October 30, 2017. I have also included a short video outlining what we later presented at the meeting, as well as a key piece of evidence--Census from 1871--which shows that the "Indians" living in Gatineau shortly after Confederation were of "Iroquois" origin. Zoom in to see the word "Iroquois", which was later crossed out and replaced with the word "Indian". 


To: carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.cacarolyn.bennett.a1@parl.gc.ca; Joe Wild; Sean Darcy; David Millette; AADNC-AANDC Ministre-Minister

Subject: Kana:tso First Nation Recognition Requisition


 On July 4, 2017, I, Jason Rotisken'rakehte Arbour, requested a consultation with the Minister of Indigenous Affairs regarding the re-establishment of our Inalienable Aboriginal Rights. Your Department stated the Minister was unable to meet with us at this time and suggested that I followed up with Sean Darcy. Sean Darcy and his Director General requested a meeting for the 30th of October 2017.

 On October 30, 2017 at 2:pm in boardroom 1652, members of Kana:tso First Nation and I, Chief Jason Rotisken'rakehte Arbour, presented and served your department with our Recognition Requisition regarding our ancestral land located in Gatineau, in the Province of Quebec. Our Recognition Requisition included and was not limited to Canadian Census, a Court Judgment, INAC files, church records, Police records, records from Dr. Malik, Fire records, land surveyor maps, an environmental assessment and archaeological evidence.

We respect the fact your department will need a period of time to review the compelling collection of irrefutable evidence served. In our meeting, David A. Millette (Director General, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada / Treaties and Aboriginal Government) received our Recognition Requisition and stated that he was just a public servant and was not in a position to correct this matter.

Our First Nation would like confirmation that our Recognition Requisition will be viewed by Carolyn Bennett and the Prime Minister of Canada. People who are in a position to recognize and correct the historic injustice that has been, and continues to be, perpetrated against the Kana:tso First Nation. 

We the members of Kana:tso First Nation request in writing, Canada's position with respects to our Recognition Requisition and a file number for our presentation, so we can better determine our next move towards achieving justice.

I would like to thank the Department for your consideration and co-operation while working together to come to a respectful resolution.  

Jason Rotisken'rakehte Arbour, Chief
Kana:tso First Nation