Live TONIGHT: UnpublishedTV--Canada's Military Propaganda Program | Unpublished

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Live TONIGHT: UnpublishedTV--Canada's Military Propaganda Program

November 16, 2020

Tonight's Guests:

  • Emma Briant, Visiting Research Associate in Human Rights; Bard College
  • David J Bercuson, Professor of Military/Diplomatic History; University of Calgary
  • Marcus Kolga, Senior Fellow MacDonald Laurier Institute, Founder DisinfoWatch
  • Dave Scanlon, Retired Navy Captain / Former Senior Public Affairs Officer

A Canadian Military operation has recently been brought to light. One that has been using propaganda and technology to influence Canadians.

The Defence Strategic Communication Group is part of a plan that has not been approved by the Minister of National Defence, and is currently under investigation concerning the data it collected on the Canadian people during it’s time assisting LTC homes in Ontario and Quebec. 

This rings similar to the Cambridge Analytica scandal of the 2016 US election. What exactly is the Canadian Military hoping to accomplish? And, are the Canadian people at risk from their own military?

Find out TONIGHT on UnpublishedTV--Watch it here or on our Facebook page >> 


  • Emma Briant, Visiting Research Associate in Human Rights; Bard College
  • David J Bercuson, Professor of Military/Diplomatic History; University of Calgary
  • Marcus Kolga, Senior Fellow MacDonald Laurier Institute, Founder DisinfoWatch
  • Dave Scanlon, Retired Navy Captain / Former Senior Public Affairs Officer

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