Proportional Representation Webinar - Fair Vote Canada | Unpublished

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Proportional Representation Webinar - Fair Vote Canada

March 4, 2020
PR 101 and the Scoop on Ranked Ballots! With special guest Antony Hodgson. Saturday March 14, 1 PM EST

Dear Reader,

Are you new to electoral reform and want to get up to speed on the basics of the campaign for proportional representation? 

Are you wondering where "ranked ballots" fit in?

Which systems will deliver on our most important values and make every vote count?

Join our webinar! REGISTER HERE 

PR 101 and the Scoop on Ranked Ballots

Saturday March 14, 1 PM EST

7:00-7:25: PR 101 - Why PR? 

In the first section, learn more about the basics of proportional representation and the research behind it. Find out how PR will empower voters, encourage cooperation and build a more inclusive Parliament! 

7:25-7:45: Unpacking Ranked Ballots

In the second section, find out what people mean when they say "ranked ballot". What are the options, the objectives and the possible consequences? 

Presenters: Anita Nickerson, Executive Director, Fair Vote Canada and Antony Hodgson, electoral reform expert and President of Fair Voting BC

Following the presentions, we will have Q+A where you can ask questions via a chat box. We will endeavour to answer as many as we can!

Please share this webinar widely with friends who may be interested. 

Thanks for being part of the campaign to Make Every Vote Count! 


Anita Nickerson

Executive Director, Fair Vote Canada