re: | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Barry Dennison's picture
TORONTO, Ontario
About the author

Journalist [print/broadcast] specializes in legal affairs and human rights advocacy. 

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October 22, 2017

This is the study the Minister of Public Safety relied on to create funding for federal government first responders to receive programs for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD], including military, RCMP, Correctional Officers, Ambulance staff and their families.

The researchers are setting up their center and already putting programs together. Writing them for the first time in Canada. These are the people to be watching for and listening to in due course. Hopefully, a really short time of development, since the problem[s] are so severe and wide spread.


Now, let's lobby for provincial health care to cover 'psychologists', councillors that would be a great alternative to investing in prisons.