Re: Can Anyone Defeat Justin Trudeau? | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
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I am the founder of Unpublished Media Inc., a company I started in 2012. I am also a communications professional and community activist, living in Nepean, Ontario. And, I am a hockey goaltender, political hack and most importantly, an advocate for grassroots, participatory democracy at all levels of government.

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Re: Can Anyone Defeat Justin Trudeau?

January 18, 2013

I made this comment in response to Ken Gray's blog post about Justin Trudeau's perceived invincibility in the Liberal Party of Canada's leadership contest.

I’m leaning toward Marc Garneau. Trudeau has been weak on policy so far which will kill him in an election. Someday I think he will be worthy of the Liberal Party leadership, but not now. He doesn’t have enough experience yet. He would be better off following Jean Chretien’s path.

In contrast I have been very impressed with Marc Garneau’s policy statements. Well thought out and as his press release yesterday on electoral reform made clear, he’s prepared to make major changes to Canada’s electoral system to ensure transparency, accountability and to empower the electorate. At the same time his proposal to ensure all Liberal candidates are approved by local riding associations, unlike the Tories, would lead to much stronger Liberal candidates. Grassroots democracy inside a Party means stronger local candidates.

Garneau is also a strong hedge against Tory personal attacks against Liberal leaders. What’s Harper going to say about Garneau? He’s a Canadian hero through and through. Any attempt to discredit him personally will fall flat and work in Garneau’s favour as the attack on Chrietien’s facial disability did in 1993.

Garneau is Francophone. According to Liberal Party tradition, its time to elect a Francophone leader. Therefore, this contest is really only between Garneau and Trudeau. At this stage in their careers, I’d like to see Garneau get the nod.