Re: Catholic Church in need of change | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Rich McCarthy's picture
Nepean, Ontario
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Former Federal Government employee who has lived in Craig Henry for 30 years. If I wanted to live downtown, I would have bought a house there. Nepean is not downtown!

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Re: Catholic Church in need of change

March 22, 2013

I wrote this email to Janice Kennedy after reading her article in the Ottawa Citizen on March 1st about change in the Catholic Church.

I am appalled re. your article in last Saturdays Citizen regarding the "Catholic Church in need of change".

The Catholic church has been around for approximately 2000 years. Since its promulgation at Pentecost when Christ commissioned his apostles to go forth and preach to and baptise all nations. It has been a supported religion since the Roman Empire made it legal and gave it state patronage in 313 AD under Constantine.

Your last comment about the church and oblivion is outrageous. The Catholic Church, the Pope, the Cardinals, the Bishops, and Priest will be around for another 2000 years.

Rich in Nepean.