The Hudson Bay Solution: A New Path for Canadian Energy & Security | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Clinton is an accredited writer for numerous publications in Canada and a panelist for talk radio across Canada and the United States

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The Hudson Bay Solution: A New Path for Canadian Energy & Security

November 29, 2024

Hudson Bay offers a unique geographic advantage. With an average depth of 330 feet, it can accommodate large tanker ships. 

Canadian energy producers in Saskatchewan and Alberta face a critical challenge: finding a viable route to global markets. While traditional pipeline routes through British Columbia and Quebec have become increasingly politically contentious, a bold and innovative solution lies in the untapped potential of Manitoba and the shores of the Hudson Bay.

A Viable Maritime Route

Hudson Bay offers a unique geographic advantage. With an average depth of 330 feet, it can accommodate large tanker ships. A floating mono-buoy system, anchored in deeper waters, would facilitate the transfer of oil from pipelines to vessels. This infrastructure, combined with modern nuclear icebreaking technology, would enable year-round operations. It would also force the United States to pay international rates for our energy otherwise we could simply export to other nations maximizing profit for our nation.

Economic Revitalization for Northern Manitoba

The development of a Hudson Bay Energy Export Terminal would have a profound impact on Northern Manitoba. It would:

  • Create high-quality jobs in building & construction, transportation, and energy sectors.
  • Stimulate economic growth in local communities.
  • Require significant investments in infrastructure, including roads, telecommunications, and emergency services.


A Global Energy Solution

The Hudson Bay Energy Export Terminal has the potential to:

  • Diversify Canada's energy export routes.
  • Provide a reliable source of ethically sourced oil and gas to global markets.
  • Reduce reliance on geopolitical hotspots like Russia.

By embracing this innovative solution, Canada can position itself as a responsible energy supplier and contribute to a more secure and sustainable global energy landscape.

A Strategic Naval Presence on Hudson Bay

In tandem with the development of the Hudson Bay Energy Export Terminal, Canada should consider establishing a significant naval & air base on the shores of Hudson Bay in Manitoba. Such a base would serve multiple strategic purposes:

  • Arctic Sovereignty: A military presence in the region would reinforce Canada's sovereignty claims in the Arctic, a critical geopolitical area.
  • Resource Protection: The base could protect vital shipping lanes and energy infrastructure in the region, ensuring the security of Canada's natural resources.
  • Search and Rescue: A naval & airforce base would enhance search and rescue capabilities in the vast and remote waters of Hudson Bay.
  • Military Training: The harsh conditions of the Arctic would provide an ideal training ground for Canadian naval & airforce personnel, preparing them for operations in challenging environments.

By establishing a naval and air force base on the shores of Hudson Bay, Canada would finally be able to project military strength, solidify our position as the leading Arctic nation, and manage our prosperity, and security interests.



November 29, 2024


January 25, 2025

There is zero infrastructure, no roads, no settlements nada nothing but muskeg and permafrost. It’s painfully obvious you  no nothing about the landscape 

February 17, 2025

There may not be much infrastructure now but things change.  When my former professor was a grad student he was part of a group that went up by canoe to the tar sands in Alberta to collect samples and study how to separate the bitumen from the sand.  Well now there is a well developed industry.  So never say never.