Tornados and flooding in our neighborhoods, increased traffic gridlock and our young people are taking to the streets en masse to demand action on climate change. A failure of the status quo means voters are looking for alternatives. This is a chance for you to hear what is on the mind of Nepean voters as they put their questions to the Green Party candidate.
What: Green Party Nepean Town Hall - an unscripted, open floor event where residents can ask the candidate questions to help them decide how to vote on October 21st.
When: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday October 2, 2019
Where: Cambrian Room, Minto Recreation Centre Barrhaven, 3500 Cambrian Road
Who: Nepean Green Party Candidate Jean-Luc Cooke
Why: Because voters have a chance to make a difference in the world by taking action locally and they want to want to know the candidate can be trusted to represent them beyond the ballot box.
Space is limited, please
RSVP to reserve a spot for your correspondents and crew.
About Jean-Luc Cooke
Like Elizabeth May, Jean-Luc is no stranger to the political scene. He has been actively involved with the Green Party since 2011 and currently serves as the President of the federal party. Jean-Luc previously ran in both the 2011 and 2015 federal elections. In addition to playing a key role in the Green Party’s internal development, Jean-Luc has been president of his community association for the past ten years and also helped to establish a Neighborhood Watch in Bells Corners.
He has deep roots in Nepean, was married in Barrhaven-Fallowfield Village and along with his wife and two young daughters, calls Bells Corners Home. He works in IT security.
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