UnpublishedTV: Returning to School with COVID-19 | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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UnpublishedTV: Returning to School with COVID-19

July 27, 2020


  • Joel Westheimer, University Research Chair in Democracy and Education uOttawa
  • Marit Stiles, NDP MPP Davenport; Opposition Education critic
  • Liz Stuart, VP Canadian Teachers Federation
  • Laura Gonzalez, 2nd Executive VP OFHSA

Answers are few and far between for school boards getting ready to welcome students back in September. The Ontario Government has said it would announce more details this week to give boards the time to implement their plan. Seventy-two of Ontario’s school boards are preparing plans for three possible scenarios: A full-time return to in-person learning; virtual classes for all; or a hybrid model that combines the two.

This will not be any routine return in September as distancing, hand washing, sanitzer will all be part of the “new” normal. Working in their favour is the fact that children have been less infected by the virus compared to other age groups. Many paediatric experts feel that it is crucial for young people to get back to school but doing it safely.

How about you? Do you feel comfortable sending your kids back to School in September? Would you? Our Unpublished.vote question asked that and over 65% responded they do not feel comfortable. 27% are fine with it and about 8 percent were not sure. 

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