UTV LIVE TONIGHT, 8 pm ET: The US Federal Election | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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UTV LIVE TONIGHT, 8 pm ET: The US Federal Election

November 9, 2020

Tonight's Guest Panelists: 

Listen to our podcast on the US Federal Election and its impact on Canada >> 

Our topic tonight is, the US Federl Election and it’s impact on Canada-US Relations. The US Federal Election was one of the most pivotal elections in US history. Now that Joe Biden has won, what will be the impact on Canada-US Relations? What happens if Donald Trump doesn't concede? President Trump’s unpredictability and protectionist bents rubbed many leaders the wrong way. What will Joe Biden be like? Does he represent a return to freer global trade? 

The US is Canada’s largest trading partners. We have enjoyed the longest undefended border in the world, but that has been shuttered since March due to the Covid pandemic. Can the US get COVID-19 under control? How long should Canada wait before it re-opens the boarder?

All these questions and more will be discussed tonight on the UnpublishedTV Live panel. Catch the show here on UnpublishedOttawa.com, on Unpublished.cafe and on our Facebook page

Our Unpublished.vote poll question last week was... 

  • Which Presidential candidate will most improve Canada-US relations?

If you haven't voted yet, you can cast your vote and email your MP at Unpublished.Vote!

Our audience responded: 

  • 57.7% Trump
  • 40.4% Biden
  • 1.9% Unsure

Tonight's Guest Panelists