Maxime Bernier & The People's Party of Canada | Unpublished

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This week's issue

Posted on 
September 27, 2018

Maxime Bernier & The People's Party of Canada

In late August, after a federal Conservative leadership race and rumblings of unhappiness and just ahead of the Conservative policy convention, MP Maxime Bernier announced he was leaving the Federal Conservatives to form his own party; The People's Party of Canada.  

Some felt it was selfish while others said it was a breath of fresh air for like minded Tories.  Bernier was a razor close second to Andrew Scheer in the Conservative leadership race, which could be interpreted as "sour grapes", but highlights a bigger issue.  The divide in the Cons Party.  Just one percent separated Scheer and Bernier. 

Now, those on the right side of the spectrum feel Bernier's move may split the vote and hand the next election to the Liberals