Unpublished.Cafe Podcast: Gazing through Canada's Crystal Ball for 2019
As the calendar turns to 2019, Canadians are looking down the road to see what is coming over the horizon. For some Canadians, the view is a little foreboding. While the pundits and pollsters have a different view as to what 2019 will bring, the one common thread through their work is that Canadians are probably the most cynical they've ever been.
While 2018 gave us tariffs, Trans Mountain and late night Twitter tirades of Trump, 2019 is shaping up to be an even nastier version of last year. As we start to navigate through 2019, here on the Unpublished Cafe, we are looking ahead at the benchmarks facing this country....and in an election year at that.
It is safe to say the federal elxn appears to be the defining moment of 2019. But there's plenty of racetrack left before the polls on October 21st. Today on the Unpublished Cafe we will chat with three pollsters about what they hear from Canadians about their lives, their beliefs, their wishes and their politics.
Joining us later in the show will be Darrell Bricker, Founder and CEO of Ipsos Public Affairs. As well, Nik Nanos of Nanos Research will bring us his perspective on how Canadians feel heading into 2019.

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
What do you feel will be the defining issue of the 2019 Canadian election?
The results so far:
Carbon Pricing =
Immigration =
Healthcare =
Climate Change =
Other =
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE