COVID-19: Food Security | Page 2 | Unpublished

This week's issue

COVID-19: Food Security

Posted on 
April 25, 2020

COVID-19: Food Security

Is Canada’s food supply at a tipping point?

Agriculture and food production are essential services in our COVID-19 world, but this is a key time for the industries to ensure we have enough on the table. We now see limits on how much you can purchase at the grocery store, that is if you can find what you need. There are even hurdles are facing those wanting to get crops into the ground. Food can be a big hurdle for living pay cheque to pay cheque who may rely on the services of a food bank. One source of healthy food, farmers markets, are looking at new ways to do business.

Farmers for the most part keep an eye on the sky as the weather pretty well dictates what and when. Now, there’s the pandemic wild card in the deck.

What do you think the government should do to help farmers during the pandemic? Be sure to cast your ballot at Unpublished.Vote

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Our Unpublished vote poll question...

How should the Government of Canada help farmers during the pandemic?

The results so far:

Create an emergency fund =      
Eliminate the carbon tax for farmers =      
Speed up access to migrant workers =      
All of the above =      
Other =      
Undecided =      

If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE

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