COVID-19: Long-Term Care a Federal Option? | Page 2 | Unpublished

This week's issue

COVID-19: Long-Term Care a Federal Option?

Posted on 
June 6, 2020

COVID-19: Long-Term Care a Federal Option?

We know ground zero in the battle with COVID-19 is in long term care homes. Is it time to take it away from the provinces and put it in the hands of the federal government?

More than 8 in 10 deaths from the pandemic have occurred in long term care. Ontario and Quebec are primarily dealing with the most. BC was hard-hit when the virus first appeared in Canada, but was able to clamp down on cases. The situation has many looking inward. How did we let the most vulnerable be most at risk?

Two weeks ago, we spoke to Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath about whether long term care should be uploaded to the federal government and she saw the value in that. Provinces do not like giving up control over health care as they feel it’s infringing on their sovereignty.

On this edition of the Unpublished Cafe, we will take a look at whether it makes sense to bring Long-Term Care under Federal auspices.

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Our Unpublished vote poll question...

Do you think long term care will improve if it becomes a Federal responsibility?

The results so far:

Yes =      
No =      
Unsure =      

If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE


Researcher/Professor of Sociology

York University

National Director of Policy and Advocacy

Canadian Health Coalition