Omicron comes to Canada... On the UnpublishedCafe podcast | Unpublished

This week's issue

Posted on 
December 11, 2021

Omicron comes to Canada... On the UnpublishedCafe podcast

Well here we go again. Just as double vaccination rates are rising in Canada, so are the number of new cases of the latest variant of Covid-19: Omicron. Will it mean a fifth wave for Canada?

It was discovered in a neighbourhood in South Africa. It was hitting younger people in the largely unvaccinated area. What concerned the epidemiologists was the ability of the virus to spread quickly and to evade protection. How this will impact us, if at all, is yet to be seen, but the federal government was quick to close the border to people from a number of African nations.

Our question asks:

Will the Omicron variant lead to a fifth wave of the pandemic in Canada?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure

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