Ottawa Mayoral Election 2022
It’s a laundry list of names vying for the votes of Ottawa residents for the top job in municipal politics in the Capital. Fourteen in all are looking for your vote to put them in the Mayor’s chair for the next four years. Jim Watson had announced late last year that he would not seek re-election. There will also be a number of new faces around the Council table as many have decided not to run again.
On today's show we will take a look at the candidates running to lead the City of Ottawa over the next four years. Of the fourteen candidates, some names are familiar. Catherine McKenney, the former councillor for Somerset threw her hat in the ring early. So did former Regional Chair, Mayor and MPP, Bob Chiarelli. Long-time broadcaster and entrepreneur, Mark Sutcliffe has waded into the election waters for the first time and Mike Maguire, who finished second to Jim Watson in 2014 has jumped back in again. Nour Kadri is doing surprisingly well for a first-time candidate.
Coming up on the Unpublished Cafe, we’ll chat with the editor and publisher of the Orleans Star, Fred Sherwin, a long-time watcher of City Hall. As well, Brigitte Pellerin, columnist with the Ottawa Citizen will share her views on the hotly contested race.
Ottawa Citizen Columnist
Orleans Star, Editor & Publisher