Formed in 1985, FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting is an independent, Canada-wide, non-partisan voluntary organization supported by 66,000 households whose mission is to defend and enhance the quality and quantity of Canadian programming in the Canadian audio-visual system. FRIENDS is not affiliated with any broadcaster or political party.
FRIENDS relies upon individuals for donations to finance its watchdog role, public policy initiatives, public opinion leadership and research activities directed at our priorities. We do not accept contributions from organizations which hold a license from the Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), Ottawa's broadcast regulatory agency, or from organizations affiliated with licensees.
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting is a not-for profit organization directed by a Steering Committee.
FRIENDS serves as a watchdog on behalf of listeners and viewers, and intervenes to defend and enhance Canadian programming in the audio-visual system. In carrying out our task, we regularly research and prepare submissions related to the broadcasting system and appear before parliamentary committees and CRTC hearings on behalf of our supporters to present the case for more and better Canadian content. From time to time, we involve our supporters in non-partisan campaigns to fight for a strong CBC and the presence of Canadian content on radio and television. We monitor changes to government policy and the performance of public and private broadcasters, cable monopolies, specialty channels and radio stations.