RobDekker | Unpublished


Unpublished Opinions

It came very close to that…locally. There was an election, and as the Ontario PC Candidate in...

June 19, 2014

As Election Day approaches, Rob Dekker Ottawa Centre PC candidate asks for your support to elect an...

June 10, 2014

Ottawa - “Why does Yasir Naqvi want you to forget that he ever served as the President of the...

June 3, 2014

OTTAWA — As with other Ottawa-area ridings, Ontario PC lawn signs have been stolen and vandalized...

May 31, 2014

We are off and running, but I am standing firm on what Ottawa Centre and Ontario need.  It...

May 19, 2014

In Ottawa Centre all things are pointing to springtime.  The snow has melted away, the street...

April 24, 2014