RobDekker | Unpublished


Unpublished Opinions

We are off and running, but I am standing firm on what Ottawa Centre and Ontario need.  It...

May 19, 2014

In Ottawa Centre all things are pointing to springtime.  The snow has melted away, the street...

April 24, 2014

Good to know there are “Safe Hands” guiding Ontario…guiding Ontario further into debt and further...

March 27, 2014

The Ontario Liberal Government is now expecting Ontario Hydro users to significantly adjust how...

December 2, 2013

There is a movement to have Canada’s 2nd safe injection site placed in the Nation’s Capital. The...

September 27, 2013

In my earlier post “McGuinty’s gone, but not long forgotten” I boldly made two suggestions, ‘by...

August 4, 2013