LIVE @ 8PM ET: UnpublishedTV - Canada's Economic Update | Unpublished

This week's issue

Canada’s Economic Update

Posted on 
December 14, 2020

LIVE @ 8PM ET: UnpublishedTV - Canada's Economic Update

Canadians got a snapshot of the country’s finances in the Fall Economic Update, and it comes splashed in red ink. How rough will the financial waters be for Canada as we head into winter in the second wave of the pandemic?

The COVID pandemic and its effects are the target in Minister Freeland’s update. Government revenues are down as the feds get set for another round of spending to navigate through the second wave, piling Canada’s deficit to almost 400 billion dollars. We wanted to know from our viewers - which of the measures introduced in the fiscal update do they think will be most helpful to Canadians?

  • 68% said None of the Above
  • 23% said Overhauling the Tax System
  • 6% said Other
  • 2% said $1 Billion for Long Term Care
  • 2% said National Child Care Program

If you haven't voted in our poll yet, head over to Unpublished.Vote to cast your vote, and then e-mail your MP to tell them what you think.  

Tune in TONIGHT on UnpublishedTV-- Be part of the discussion on Facebook, and on Youtube


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Our Unpublished vote poll question...

Of the announcements in the fall economic update, which do you feel will help Canadians the most?

The results so far:

A tax on digital services =      
National child care program =      
Overhauling the tax system =      
$1 billion for long term care =      
Other =      
None of the above =      
Undecided =      

If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE


Aaron is a lawyer and the Director of Macdonald-Laurier Institutes Domestic Policy Program