Tonight at 8PM ET UnpublishedTV: Canada-US Relationship
Canada-US Relations over the last four years have been unpredictable at best. Now, there is a new leader in the White House with a very full plate of issues to deal with.
Our economies are tightly linked. We share many of the same interests and issues. With Joe Biden now in the White House, there appears more room for collaboration on key files. Last week we asked our viewers "Which issue should be on the top of the discussions for Canada and the new US Administration?
The results today are:
- China - 2.4 %
- Buy American - 0.8%
- Climate change - 1.9%
- Pandemic - 5%
- Re-Open Border - 87.6%
- None of the Above - 2.4%
- Unsure - 0%
If you haven't voted in our poll yet, head over to Unpublished.vote to cast your vote and e-mail your MP to tell them what you think. And, be sure to catch our show tonight at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT on Facebook and YouTube!

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
Which issue should be on the top of the discussions for Canada and the new US Administration?
The results so far:
China =
'Buy America' Policy =
Climate Change =
The COVID-19 Pandemic =
Re-opening the border =
None-of-the-above =
Unsure =
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE
Director of the Cross-Border Institute