UTV: Is this the most important federal election in Canadian history?
We are three weeks away from heading to the ballot box in the country’s 44th federal election. Did Canadians really “deserve a say” on how to proceed with COVID as the Prime Minister claimed?
We’re just over two weeks into this campaign and the Liberal campaign is way off course. When the Prime Minister announced the election, it smacked of opportunism. There was no bill defeated to lead to an election. The next vote was to be two years away according to our fixed election dates.
But numbers had the Grits flirting with majority territory. Since the pandemic started, the minority Liberal government has been able to govern through the pandemic with the support of the NDP. And, there seemed to be little the two were squabbling about to indicate a loss of confidence.
Our Unpublished.vote question asks, “Do you feel the need for a federal election right now?
Our audience response:
- 30.5% Voted Yes
- 67.5% Voted No
- 2.0% Voted Unsure
However you’re watching and listening to our show, whether through our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or on our podcast channels—iTunes, GooglePlay, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more—I would like to remind you that you can “cast your vote” on this topic at Unpublished.vote, and then email the candidates in your riding to tell them why.
Joining us to discuss whether this election should have been called after two weeks on the campaign trail, I’m pleased to be joined by Quito Maggi, President & CEO Mainstreet Research; Warren Kinsella, Political Commentator/ Special Advisor to PM Chretien; Nelson Wiseman, Professor Political Science U of T; and Katrina Miller, Program Director at the Broadbent Institute.
Did we need a say? Is there a ballot question or have the parties defined one?
Protesters got nasty in Bolton and then again over the weekend at other Trudeau campaign events in Ontario as anti-vaxers and climate change deniers dogged the Prime Minister to the point of forcing the cancellation of the event in Bolton. Is this the nastiest election yet?

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
Do you feel Canadians need a federal election now?
The results so far:
Yes =
No =
Unsure =
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE
Professor, University of Toronto
Laywer and political strategist
Program Director
President and CEO