ELXN2021 on UnpublishedTV: COVID Economic Recovery
Canadians are one week away from heading to the ballot box in the country’s 44th Federal election. We have just come out of the first weekend of advanced polling and the leaders and candidates continue to stump for your approval. According to a number of polls, the top issues for Canadians are affordability, housing and the economic recovery from the pandemic.
What do you think of the plans to get us on the road to recovery?
More than a year and a half after the pandemic arrived on our shores, Canada continues to grapple with the economic impact. Vaccines are available and lockdowns have eased, but the economy continues to be sluggish.
Our Unpublished.vote question asked:
Which party has the best plan to get the Canadian economy back on track?
Our audience responded:
- Liberals = 3.2%
- Conservatives = 24%
- NDP = 0.7%
- Green = 1.4%
- PPC = 68.7%
- Other = 0.7%
- None of Above = 1.4%
However you’re watching and listening to our show, whether through our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, or on our podcast channels—iTunes, GooglePlay, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more—We would like to remind you that you can “cast your vote” on this topic at Unpublished.vote, and then email the candidates in your riding to tell them why. Only at Unpublished.vote

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
Which party has the best plan to get the Canadian economy back on track?
The results so far:
Liberal Party =
Conservative Party =
Green Party =
People's Party of Canada =
Other =
None of the Above =
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE