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            The Bank of Canada doesn't want wages to increase because these added business costs will by passed through to consumers and exacerbate inflation.... more
July 26, 2022
     Re: Rapid rate hikes critical to ‘break’ rising inflation expectations, says former BoC governor David Dodge, David Parkinson, May 1, 2022          When... more
May 5, 2022
The Ottawa convoy is not peaceful: Megalist I recommend reading this (if you are not in Ottawa), with this drone footage on full volume, to get the full,... more
By Minerva
February 28, 2022
  A household needs to save today to spend in the future, but this does not apply to the government of Canada which owns the Bank of Canada and issues the... more
January 24, 2022
A 2018 report by William Lahey was supposed to serve as a sustainability roadmap for Nova Scotia’s forestry industry, but three years later, the author says... more
December 2, 2021
     Re:  Protecting the Earth — not the wealth of financial tycoons — at the heart of world’s unprecedented climate commitments, David Olive, Nov. 11, 2021... more
November 16, 2021