The Russian-Ukrainian War: Is it Genocide?
In the "fog of war" the number of casualties of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is difficult to account. It is safe to say though the destruction of cities and infrastructure in. Ukraine has been extensive. Targeting of hospitals and schools by Russian troops have come with the cry of war crimes and the town of Buch, is ground zero for mass graves of Ukrainian civilians. Is Russia committing genocide in Ukraine?
Seven weeks and counting since Russia invaded Ukraine all in the name of "deNazifying" the country. Just over a year ago, Russian troops and equipment began to amass along the border with Ukraine all in the name of "training". Since Russian troops crossed into Ukraine, they have been met with fierce resistance. NATO and European countries have been outraged by the invasion and attack, but NATO has not enforced a no fly zone over Ukraine for concern of broadening the conflict.
Our UnpublishedVote question asks:
Does Russia's war on Ukraine amount to genocide?
Yes | No | Unsure
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Our Unpublished vote poll question...
Does Russia's war on Ukraine amount to genocide?
The results so far:
Yes = 56.9%
No = 39.8%
Unsure = 3.3%
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE
HRREC, University of Ottawa
Author and writer for Canadian Dimensions
Senior Fellow in International Affairs, Carleton University
Associate Professor, Western University