Indigenous Journalist Arrested While Covering a Police Raid | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Indigenous Journalist Arrested While Covering a Police Raid

January 30, 2024
Indigenous Journalist Arrested While Covering a Police Raid

On January 10, Indigenous journalist Brandi Morin was arrested by Edmonton police in broad daylight while covering a police raid on an encampment.

Ricochet has asked media outlets to share it on their sites to help get the word out.

On January 10, Indigenous journalist Brandi Morin was arrested by Edmonton police in broad daylight while covering a police raid on an encampment. 

Morin did everything by the book. She was filming from a safe distance, identified herself as a journalist and did not interfere with any police officer. 

This arrest is an egregious overreach meant to intimidate journalists from telling important stories in the public interest,” said Brent Jolly, president of the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ). “In Canada, the legal precedent is clear. Journalists have the right to report on police actions, including arrests. These charges are an affront to press freedom, and should be dropped immediately.” 

Brandi was targeted, singled out among others who were filming, put in handcuffs, held for five hours and now stands charged with obstruction — a criminal offence that carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison.

What you can do to help Brandi?


Ahead of Brandi's trial, it is imperative that we get as many eyes on this as possible.


On Monday, we’re holding a press conference with the biggest national and international press groups, including the Canadian Association of Journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters without Borders, the Indigenous Journalists Association, Journalists for Human Rights and Amnesty International, among others, to demand that this charge be dropped.

Please join us by posting on social media that you #StandWithBrandi, particularly on Monday, and throughout next week. On Tuesday, Brandi must report to be fingerprinted, and her first appearance in court is scheduled for Thursday.

Make sure to tag the Edmonton Police Service (@edmontonpolice) and Edmonton Mayor Amarjeet Sohi (@AmarjeetSohiYEG) to make sure those in power know that charging journalists with obstruction for reporting on police activities is unacceptable. And, please, spread this widely with your networks.

A full release will be issued on Monday, so stay tuned to your inbox. To get updates and view statements from various organizations as they’re issued on Monday, check out our Twitter account.

Please feel free to invite anyone to the press conference, such as media or individual journalists, colleagues or allies -- the link to register is here.

To hear directly from Brandi about her experience and the conditions faced by those living in Edmonton encampments, read her latest here.
