A Plan to Debate "Chem-Trails" | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Clinton is an accredited writer for numerous publications in Canada and a panelist for talk radio across Canada and the United States

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A Plan to Debate "Chem-Trails"

October 7, 2024

It's no secret that many Canadian conservatives are falling for conspiracy theories like 'Chem-Trails.' From the heartland of rural Speers Saskatchewan to the urban sprawl of Edmonton Alberta, we're seeing a concerning trend.

Back on Sunday August 23 2020, former Canadian Conservative leader Andrew Scheer gave his final speech as party leader after voters kicked him to the side of the curb. He unveiled a plan to destabilize mainstream Canada to help his party win future elections. The plan was to encourage Canadians to turn off traditional radio, television, and online news & investigative journalism. He wanted Canadians to follow specific types of new far-right online commentary created to look like traditional media with fancy graphics and sound effects. What’s happened since Andrew Scheer’s dumb plan was put into action by conservative grifters?

It's no secret that many Canadian conservatives are falling for conspiracy theories like 'Chem-Trails.' From the heartland of rural Speers Saskatchewan to the urban sprawl of Edmonton Alberta, we're seeing a concerning trend. Western prairie Premiers, like Danielle Smith and Scott Moe, seem all too eager to pander to this low IQ nonsense. It’s a virus eating the conservative movement from within.

Let's not forget the angry crowds at Conservative Q&A meetings recently. The boos, the shouts – it's a clear sign of the deep-seated belief in these wild “Chem-Trail” ideas. Remember the so-called  'Freedom Convoy'? It started with anti-vaxxers, but it quickly morphed into a hotbed for all kinds of conspiracy theories. And now the crazy people are emboldened, they are the base of the Conservative movement in Canada and they want debates on crazy ideas including “Chem-Trails”.

This isn't just a fringe problem; it's a real threat to our democracy. Many people are turning away from traditional media sources and becoming isolated within online echo chambers which is exactly what Andrew Scheer wanted.

 We need to do something about it. It's time for our leaders to stop placating low IQ voters and question them, push back; start promoting science and critical thinking. If we want a better future, we need a better-informed population not a dumber one debating "Chem-Trails"...




October 7, 2024


October 7, 2024
Yes, belief in conspiracy theories on the right has escalated significantly since Trump came on the scene. A lot of hogwash designed to frighten the easily frightened.