He had one job to do! | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Rob currently works on Parliament Hill and is on the Centretown Community Association Board of Directors.  He writes regularly on his blog #RedHeartBlueSign at www.redheartbluesign.wordpress.com on lifestyle, political and personal topics.

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He had one job to do!

October 9, 2024

The post was first published on my blog #RedHeartBlueSign on October 6th.  There is only one question to be considered when talking about 45 being fit for the Presidency (again). 

Just under one month until the US election, and a common notion is the right is the protector of democratic rights while the left is seen as the extender of rights.  So it is seen in my view that the Republicans have the wrong candidate on the ballot for President.  In fact I don’t know if, in the current make up of that party, there is a candidate who should be on the ballot, one comes to mind – more about that later.

If you have read my posts before you will know I work in a conservative office, have run as a conservative candidate and know most of my political beliefs are centre-right.  So feeling I get when the idea that 45 would be re-elected is brought up is the same as sound as nails on a chalk board. 

When I talk about the idea of 45 becoming 47, I think I surprise people with my stance.  Perhaps they think I am Conservative so 45 automatically gets my vote.  My decision isn’t based on the economy, Conservative values, or any support I might have for the policies of 46 (and VP49 who is running to be 47).  When it comes to the American economy that is very complicated and complex to really understand and I haven’t taken the time to have a better comprehension of it.

I have a secondary reason for not supporting 45, and it has to do about the impact 45 would have on the US, Canada and the world.  Promises from 45 to end the Ukraine War and the conflict in Israel/Gaza/Lebanon are unrealistic and frankly, scary to envision happening.  My secondary reason stems from me looking south and determining each candidate, and who might cause the most damage to the USA and how the country might react four years later.

I am convinced that America would have an easier time of coming out of and  recovering from an administration run by VP49 for four years than it would in recovering from another four years of 45 getting back into the White House.  The recovery of four years of 45 would be of a global nature, where with VP49, it would be more of a domestic recovery.

There have been a few Republicans that have come out against 45.  These denouncers include former VP Mike Pence, there was Nikki Haley who called out against while she was in the primary campaign against 45 – buy she eventually endorsed 45 when she suspended her campaign.  Liz Cheney recently to endorse VP49 and former 45 Cabinet and White House official have come out against 45.  Wikipedia has a list, and it seems to changes daily.   The list includes former Republican VP’s, former GOP Presidential candidates and many others.  The only living former Republican President, George W Bush (43) remains silent on 45. I can imagine there is no love between 43 and 45, 43 was not invited and did not attend the Republican convention in July.

In my mind there is only ONE reason why 45 should never see his shadow near the White House again, January 6th 2021.  

Democracy is the cornerstone of our liberal democracy; our leaders should be the protector of our democracy.  I know democracy can be messy and can be mean – but it needs to be strong.  We have our issues in Canada, but we’ve never seen anything that occurred January 6, 2021.  Violence replaced the smooth and peaceful transfer of power, and one person spearheaded this.  Words of “a fix”, and a “stolen election” started on election night as 45’s hold on the White House whittled away as the votes were counted.

Defending democracy must be the one thing that a leader is responsible for without fail.  It’s a responsibility 45 failed miserably at.  I don’t care about how the economy performed under 45, I don’t care about his influence globally what does matter is he failed democracy and allowed his followers to storm the government, kill police officers strike fear into political leaders and threaten Vice-President Pence with a hanging.

45 had one job as the Commander in Cheif, uphold the constitution of the United States of America, If 45 was so easy to let the defence of the US constitution go to pot – how can he be trusted to do anything else?  45 can’t and that is why nothing any conservative says to me will change my mind.


October 9, 2024