(Ottawa): “Citizens want the Environmental Assessment (EA) process fixed before the Liberal government approves any more dumps,” says GPO leader Mike Schreiner. “We want the government to put people and communities first.”
The Green Party is deeply disappointed that the Liberal government has approved the Taggart Miller waste facility in east Ottawa without addressing community concerns about the management plans for odours, surface water leaving the site, leachate treatment, and landfill gas.
The east Ottawa community also faced discrimination when the government failed to provide Ministry Review documents in its entirety in French for a community with a 60% Francophone population.
“Citizens are being shut out of the flawed EA process that puts companies with insider connections before people and communities,” says Schreiner. “The EA process needs to be fixed before any more dumps are approved.”
The GPO questions the need for new dumps with the passage of the Waste-Free Ontario Act. Greens believe Ontario should be focused on reducing and diverting waste, not building more dumps.
“Ottawa is a beautiful city and we want to keep it beautiful. Ottawa area Greens will continue to stand with people fighting against these dumps,” says GPO candidate for Kanata—Carleton Andrew West, who is opposed to the expansion of the Carp Road Dump.
“Greens will continue to stand with citizens fighting to protect our water and our communities from dumps,” says Nepean candidate James O’Grady, who supported Citizens’ Environmental Stewardship Association East Ottawa in their effort to stop the Taggart Miller dump.
The GPO is on a mission to bring honesty, integrity and solutions that work for people to Queen’s Park.
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