Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry Final Report | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry Final Report

November 30, 2022
Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry releases its final report

Ottawa's LRT debacle came to a climax this week with the release of the Public Inquiry's Final Report... 

The Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry released its final report on November 30, 2022. The report and supporting information are available under Documents on their website:

The Ontario government established the Inquiry on December 16, 2021 and appointed the Honourable Justice William Hourigan as Commissioner to lead the Inquiry. The mandate of the inquiry was to investigate the commercial and technical circumstances that led to the Stage 1 breakdowns and derailments of the Ottawa Light Rail Transit system. He was also asked to make recommendations to help prevent these issues from happening again.

Now that Commissioner Hourigan has delivered his final report, the Inquiry has shut down and is no longer responding to Inquiries.

For a full account of the Commission’s work, please refer to the final report, the interviews, testimony and overview reports (below): 
