Re: Location is real casino issue | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

James OGrady's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
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I am the founder of Unpublished Media Inc., a company I started in 2012. I am also a communications professional and community activist, living in Nepean, Ontario. And, I am a hockey goaltender, political hack and most importantly, an advocate for grassroots, participatory democracy at all levels of government.

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Re: Location is real casino issue

April 11, 2013

Some info for you Ken, apparently public feedback from residents in Ward 9 (Nepean) indicates most people are opposed to a downtown Casino, preferring instead to see the Rideau-Carleton Raceway expanded. This is what Councillor Egli told our Community Association at its AGM last November.

I think the opposition to a new downtown casino in Ottawa is strong. But, people are just waiting to see what happens when OLG comes back with their preferred location.