Red Canoe March for Nuclear Safety Ottawa, Canada - Aug 22, 2018 (10-11 am) Digileak Coverage | Unpublished

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Kenskyman's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Editor of Digileak Canada, Executive Director of the Canadian Council on Food Safety and Health, videographer, singer, poet, gardner and avid cyclist.

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Red Canoe March for Nuclear Safety Ottawa, Canada - Aug 22, 2018 (10-11 am) Digileak Coverage

August 28, 2018

Digileak Canada Report

Digileak Canada AUG Slide 38

Red Canoe March for Nuclear Safety

Ottawa, Canada - Aug 22, 2018 (10-11 am)

Digileak Coverage

EVENT: A march with the Red Canoe was taken to send a strong message that Canada needs to do a better job looking after its radioactive waste! Current plans for entombing old reactors in concrete and piling up nuclear waste in giant mounds beside the Ottawa River and other major water bodies threaten our drinking water.

Interview with Dr. Gordon Edwards

(Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility)

Web site:


Audio: The Nuclear Waste Problem & Solution (5 min)


Audio: About Atomic Waste Disposal  (6 min)


Audio: Types of Radioactive Material  (1.5 min)


Audio: Atomic Toxicity 101

(11 min)


Audio: Fukishima and Beyond

(7 min)

Audio: Comments before Red Canoe March (14 min)





First Nations

1.5 min