Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation releases report | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation releases report

December 13, 2016

Health Canada released the report from the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation on Tuesday. 

Extensive public consultations and expert advice informed the development of a comprehensive approach to better protect the health and safety of Canadians

December 13, 2016 - Ottawa, ON - Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation

Today the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation provided their report to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and the Minister of Health.

The Chair of the Task Force, the Honourable Anne McLellan, and Dr. Mark Ware, Vice Chair, made the announcement on behalf of the Task Force, nine experts who volunteered their expertise in public health, substance abuse, law enforcement and justice.

The report contains more than 80 recommendations to governments on how to better promote and protect public health and safety, particularly among young Canadians. 

It recommends establishing a minimum age of access and restrictions on advertising and promotion. The report recommends well-regulated production, manufacturing and distribution that can displace the illegal market, and provides appropriate safeguards, such as testing, packaging and labelling. It also recommends that Governments educate Canadians about the new system to improve the public’s understanding of cannabis, including risks such as impaired driving.

The delivery of the report marks the completion of the Task Force’s mandate. It is the product of extensive consultations with Canadians, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, Indigenous governments and representative organizations, youth, patients and experts in relevant fields.


“It is our hope that the recommendations contained in our report, taken together, will provide a foundation for a new system of regulatory safeguards for legal access to cannabis that aim to better protect health and to enhance public safety.  Collaboration amongst governments, experts, front-line service providers and the public will be critical to the success of a new system.”

The Honourable Anne McLellan
Chair, Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation

“We thank the Ministers of Health, Justice and Public Safety for giving us the opportunity to engage Canadians and provide our best advice on the design of a new system. It is an honour to have participated in this historic Task Force. We believe that Canada is well-positioned to undertake the task of legalizing and regulating cannabis carefully and safely.”

Dr. Mark Ware
Vice-Chair, Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation

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