You know the people you like working with? The people you click with at work almost like you’re reading each other’s mind? Well that appears to be the relationship between Donald Trump and Vladamir Putin as the former blurted out in a confrontation between Trump and Ukrainian President Vlodomir Zelenskyy in the Oval Office earlier today (see video clip).
It was a sordid sight. Trump said he and Putin “have gone through hell together”, in what was very strange to witness. Always the victim, Trump exposed his deep admiration for the murderous dictator. Well known for having his opponents mysteriously fall out of windows. But, in doing so, Trump put to rest any doubt of whether or not he is too close to Putin. It’s clear now Trump is compromised.
In what appears to have been a setup of President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office, Trump, Vance and team attempted to pressure and coerce Zelenskyy to negotiate a bad, detail-less deal for Ukraine. Holding his own, Zelenskyy defended himself and Ukraine after petty attacks from JD Vance and the suit guy. In his departing statement Zelenskyy re-iterated his commitment to a lasting peace.
Global Conspiracy
There can be no doubt now that Putin and Trump have been working together for quite some time. Plotting and conspiring. While it’s certainly shockong, there is no time to waste in how the West adapts and responds. No longer can Europe, Canada, the UK, the EU and our pacific allies count on the US for anything.
Steve Bannon spilled the beans a couple weeks ago in an interview with Global News. It appears Trump, Putin and Xi want to divide up the world between them. It’s insane of course, but we know they all have oversized egos. They also have power, money, and lots of fire power. So, the opposition must mobilize quickly and be smart about it.
Putin is to blame
The West needs to recognize that the source of most of the trouble around the world today, including the timing of Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, is Vladamir Putin. This is all his doing.
Putin didn’t want to be part of the world order if he had to adhere to international monetary rules and regulations. Attacking Ukraine in 2014 under the cover of the Olympics was his first “screw-you” act to the West. Unfortunately, Obama let it pass. And, if Putin couldn’t be a part of the world order, best to destroy it, or better yet, take it over.
Time for Europe to go on the offensive
We know that appeasement doesn’t work. Chamberlain’s famous appeasement of Hitler did nothing to hold off the NAZIs from attacking Poland in September 1939. In fact, it made things worse because the Allies were not mobilizing yet, to meet the force of their opponent. It’s also why Germany’s Blitz Kreig attack through France was so successful.
Trump’s talk of appeasing Putin, of allowing Russia back into the G8, along with Rubio’s desire to establish deeper trading ties with Russia are the exact opposite of what needs to happen. History has taught us that there is only one way to deal with tyrants. Appeasement isn’t it.
So, it makes sense then, from a tactical perspective, for Europe to stop playing defence and take the war to Russia now on a new front. If the US is moving to support Russia globally under Trump, then Europe needs to take control of the Ukraine situation immediately.
NATO is a defensive force only but each individual European nation can act independently of NATO, as the US often has, and they can act independently of the European Union as well.
If Finland were to attack Russia in the North it would force Russia to pull troops from Ukraine and move them north. It would definitely put Putin on his back foot, and I believe, force him to the negotiating table.
Backed by French nukes and a European fleet in the Baltic sea, a force of European nations working together outside of NATO can bring this war to an end without sacrificing Ukraine any further, and without giving up anything to Russia or a greedy Trump. Russia must pay for their actions. Putin must be tried for war crimes. Nothing less is acceptable.
It’s time for Europe to go on the offensive and end this war on its own terms.
If there is a lesson to be learned here, it’s that Zelenskyy should never be in a room with Trump or Putin or any of their lackies, like Vance. Zelenskyy’s security is too important and none of these people can be trusted in any way.