Podcast: Legalization of Marijuana in Ontario | Unpublished

This week's issue

Canada’s Notwithstanding Clause

Posted on 
March 22, 2018

Podcast: Legalization of Marijuana in Ontario

Depending on your perspective, Ontario is headed for Reefer Madness or it's getting out of the dark ages. 

The Province of Ontario is getting it's ducks in a row for the rollout of legalized marijuana by July 1st, 2018. The federal government started the process and is letting each province introduce it as they see fit. In Ontario, the government is launching the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation, 40 stand alone stores run by the province to sell recreational marijuana. That will expand to 150 stores by 2020. It would be run much like the LCBO, another government monopoly although cannabis and liquor will not be sold in the same store. The Liberals call their plan a safe and sensible way to approach the issue.

In this episode of the Unpublished.Cafe podcast we will talk to Ontario Attorney General, Yasir Naqvi about the Liberals approach.  We will also chat with Ryan Malluogh from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business about it's view on legalizing recreational marijuana and how it could be a job creator.  New Ontario PC leader, Doug Ford has mused about allowing the private sector into the industry.  It is an interesting call considering the PC's voted against the legislation at Queen's Park. It is also interesting to note that Ford could be taking a page out of the Green Party platform. To find out more Mike Schreiner, leader of the Green Party of Ontario, leads off our podcast. 

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Should the Notwithstanding Clause be removed from the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms?

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