Unpublished.Cafe: Jobs & The Economy in Canada's Federal Election
Canada’s economic numbers are fairly rosy, but Canadians aren’t feeling the bloom according to pollsters.
Despite declining unemployment and GDP growth in Canada, two thirds of Canadians feel the economic deck is stacked against them according to Ipsos Public Affairs. Traditionally, in our election cycle, one of the key issues on the trail is the economy. While there is an air of uncertainty among a majority of Canadians when it comes to the economy, will this be the hill on which the election is fought?
Climate change has jumped into the fray along with health care. Will pocketbook issues move to the forefront? Here on the Unpublished Cafe we’re going to take a look at the economic platforms of each party and see if their pledges pass the smell test.

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
Which Party do you think has the best plan for the economy?
The results so far:
Conservative Party =
Green Party =
Liberal Party =
New Democratic Party =
People's Party =
Bloc Quebecois =
Other =
None of the Above =
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE