Erich Jacoby-Hawkins | Unpublished


Unpublished Opinions

The Syrian war and general unrest in the Middle East, and the related wave of refugees, has spawned...

September 30, 2015

Dear sirs, I remain stunned by your choice to omit the leader of one of the four federal parties...

September 15, 2015

In discussions about the human-caused climate crisis, I sometimes see an odd argument: that the...

March 25, 2014

Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels famously criticized English leaders for telling big lies and...

February 15, 2014

In an earlier post I listed ways to watch for bias or misinformation in opinion articles. This week...

February 4, 2014

In the Information Age, it’s more important than ever to protect yourself from misinformation...

February 2, 2014