Chinese Interference in Canada’s Elections: How deep does it go? | Unpublished

This week's issue

Chinese Interference in Canada’s Elections: How deep does it go?

Posted on 
April 1, 2023

Chinese Interference in Canada’s Elections: How deep does it go?

It’s cloak and dagger stuff, the latest dispute between Canada and China.  A CSIS report suggests that China was complicit in trying to influence the outcome of the last two federal elections using money and intimidation.  The report points out, despite the attempt, the outcome of the elections would have been the same.

The head scratcher is why the federal government is not holding a public inquiry into what happened.

Our question asks: Do you feel there should be a full public inquiry into the allegations of election interference?

Cast your vote by clicking the link below. After voting, be sure to write to your MP using our tool to tell them why you think what you do--Only at! 

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Our Unpublished vote poll question...

Do you feel there should be a full public inquiry into the allegations of election interference?

The results so far:

Yes =      
No =      
Unsure =      

If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE


Laywer and political strategist



Senior Fellow in International Affairs, Carleton University

Former Canadian Diplomat to China