Peter Biro: Liberal Democracy | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Toronto, Ontario
About the author

Founder and President of democracy think-tank, Section 1, Senior Fellow of Massey College, Centre Associate of the UBC Centre for Constitutional Law and Legal Studies, Canadian International Council Advisory Board Member, Chair Emeritus of the Jane Goodall Institute, and editor, most recently, of The Notwithstanding Clause and the Canadian Charter (McGill-Queen`s University Press)

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Peter Biro: Liberal Democracy

August 14, 2023
Peter speaks during his interview on the Brian Crombie Hour, August 14, 2023

In this interview with Brian Crombie, on The Brian Crombie Hour podcast, Peter Biro discusses the decline in liberal democracy in Canada, and around the world. His book is entitled “Constitutional Democracy Under Stress - A Time For Heroic Citizenship”. 


August 17, 2023