In the age of big government, big business and big unions what does electoral interference mean? | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Former candidate for Rideau-Rockcliffe
Professional project manager

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In the age of big government, big business and big unions what does electoral interference mean?

August 26, 2023
Spending money wins elections

The question of foreign interference...

The current scuttlebutt is that the Chinese interfere with our elections. I believe they do, the Chinese Communist Party has deep pockets, those of the world's second largest economy . What are they after? A government, bureaucracy and civil society that is sympathetic to them in trade and other policy.

However, the concern is interference in our elections and the whole point is to sway voters. Our political parties do it all the time!  Political parties spend millions on advertising. And, although there are rules about how much can be spent, it seems there are always work arounds.

Yes, there is constant interference in our elections and the issue here is whether foreign actors are materially affecting outcomes. I am nor convinced that they are or that we need even more government interference in our elections. 
