Paper Excellence must be held to account | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Retired after a career in the tech sector, Guy Talevi lives in Ottawa, Ontario.

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Paper Excellence must be held to account

November 2, 2023

Canada's largest pulp producer must stop papering over its corporate structure.

We note with great sadness the closing of the Domtar Espanola mill by Domtar's new owner, Paper Excellence. PE manages an area of Canadian boreal forest four times the size of Nova Scotia and must be brought to account, as the public record has now revealed that Paper Excellence is controlled by Asia Pulp and Paper, infamous for its business, environmental and human rights record.

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources has invited PE's purported owner, Jackson Wijaya, to appear before them. Mr. Wijaya has declined the invitation, sending in his place PE executives who claim no knowledge of any connection between PE and APP. It is now time for the committee to issue a summons which will require Mr. Wijaya's appearance. Within the last two months, a growing chorus of ten thousand Canadian voices has petitioned for Mr. Wijaya's compliance. Please join us by signing the petition!
